Attending-John Sheffield (JS) Andrew Sowerby (AS) Barry Rogers (BR) Bernard Riley (B) Ingrid Mutch (IM) Phil Park (PP) John McAuley (JM) and Harvey Barclay(HB)
Item 1-Apologies were received from Paul Butler (PB) and Chris Malpas (CM)
Item 2-Minutes of last meeting-21 March 2022-these were accepted as a true record by those who attended.
Item 3-Any matters arising-None.
Item 4-Safeguarding-there were no specific safeguarding matters. PP to contact Michael Williamson, Club Welfare Officer for up to date safeguarding register.
Item 5-Junior Coaching-the first junior coaching session had been held and there was a good attendance with juniors. It was also encouraging to see some new juniors. Time had been spent both on and off the course. PB was thanked for placing the junior short course markers on the course. It was also very encouraging to see a good turn- out for the parents evening held on 4 April together with the presentation of prizes. A feature had appeared in the Herald in relation to this and the junior section news on the club website now also includes the same feature for the information of members. AS also offered to deliver some 1-1 coaching for junior team members after formal coaching had concluded.
Item 6-Golf Girls Rocks 2022-The formal registration and sessions are now open for booking. The first taster session is on 5th June 2022 followed by a 6 week programme commencing on 13th June. The second 6 week block commences on 1 August 2022. Golf Girls Rocks website now live and club is awaiting posters and banner.
Item 7-Junior Competitions 2022-AS and JS to meet shortly and establish relevant dates for the junior competitions. Will need to try and avoid school exam dates.
Item 8 –Junior Team-As well as the listed team matches it is hoped also to add Kendal with a friendly fixture. AS has a meeting with the Callaway representative shortly and it is hoped the new junior team shirts can be acquired from them. AS has the team crest digitally.
Item 9-Junior Fundraiser 2022-BRS is now open to book a place in the junior fundraiser on Friday 29 April 2022. There is flexibility for tee times so have a chat with Andrew and he will do whatever he can to fit members in. Grateful thanks to all those members who have taken the time to sponsor an individual hole on the day. There is still the opportunity to do this so again please contact Andrew in the Pro shop to register your interest. A reminder to members that the format is a team of 4, max handicap 36, best two stableford scores from 4. £20 entry for each team. This is a really valuable event for the junior section to raise funds for the development of junior golf at the club so please support if you can.
Item 10-Junior Finance-JS indicated that he had spoken to the Financial Manager for the club and he has promised the junior section £500 should it be required. The junior committee were very grateful to the club for this backing.
Item 11-Any other matters-there were no other matters raised.
Item 12-Date of next meeting-Tuesday 17th May 2022 at 6.30pm via TEAMS.