The Chairman of the junior section John Sheffield welcomed everyone to the meeting. There was a good attendance of juniors, parents, grandparents and junior committee members. Apologies were tendered by Will Dean and Chris Malpas. John hoped that the year ahead would provide a good opportunity for juniors to enjoy their golf both on and off the course.
It was highlighted that there would be a junior team this year. Matches would be played against Kendal, Workington, Carlisle and Brampton. It is hoped to purchase some new team shirts. There will also be a Penrith Junior Open on 30th May and this year an inter- team club competition will be included in the format.
Andrew Sowerby, club professional outlined the coaching programme for this year. Coaching commences on Monday 11thApril 2022 at 5.30pm. It will have three six week blocks of coaching. It will run through till the middle of September on Monday evenings apart from bank holidays. There is a junior academy course available and it is hoped to encourage as many juniors to attain a handicap.
Whilst the junior section tries to remain as self-sufficient as possible the annual junior fundraiser this year will be on 29thApril 2022. Teams of 4 and juniors are encouraged to take part.
John welcomed the Lady Captain Carol Slinger to present the junior prizes. Carol expressed her delight to be invited and stated that she had wished she had taken golf up at an earlier age. She encouraged the juniors to enjoy their golf and stick with it!!
Richardson Trophy
Winner Madison Oliver
R/Up-Leah Butler
Miller Trophy
Winner- Sam O’Hare
R/up-Harvey Prince
Bob Sly Trophy
Winner -Harvey Barclay
R/up-Ellis McAuley
Pariso Trophy
Winner-Sam O’Hare
R/up-Ellis McAuley
Junior Captains Day-9 holes
Winner-Madison Oliver
18 holes
Winner-Ellis McAuley
R/up-Harry Prince
Junior Championship–Gross Winner-Toby Scott
R/up-Ellis McAuley
Net winner
Magnus Villardsen
Dads Army Trophy-this year awarded to the winner of the junior winter league-Ellis McAuley
Alistair Mayne Trophy-this is a trophy donated to the junior section by Alistair in memory of his late wife Louise a former member of the club. This year the award which recognises sportsmanship and fair play goes to the junior team for their support to each other and representing the club in such a positive manner. Harvey Barclay, junior captain collected the trophy on behalf of the team.
The evening closed at 7.30pm and John thanked everyone for taking the time to attend. Some of the juniors enjoyed their chips afterwards!! Ricki has also very kindly offered to provide light refreshments to any junior taking part in the weekly coaching sessions at a reduced cost which was a very positive gesture. Thank you.